Proper Clothes
Any time you are to appear in court you should dress as though you are going to a job interview. Men should wear pants and a shirt with a collar. A suit, jacket or tie is always appropriate. Women should wear a dress, skirt or pants that are not too tight, too short, or low cut. It is never proper to wear shorts, t-shirts, or sandals. Excessive make-up pr jewelry should not be worn. In the courtroom itself, it is never proper to wear a hat, read a newspaper, eat or chew gum.
Children and Court
While it is important for a person charged with an offense to have family members and/or friends present for a trial or sentencing on a case, it is seldom, if ever, beneficial to have small children present.
Cell Phones: All cell phones need to be on silent
All Zoom court hearing you must be log-in 20 minutes before your hearing, your zoom appearances should be in a quiet space at home or work where you won’t disturbed or distracted, once you hear your name the judge will be addressing you. Please dress and have a neat appearance.